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Malcolm Sharp - Winner
A Specific Plant
Chris Hibberd - Winner
Favourite Garden Aspect
Jane Ward - Winner
Close-up of Flower
Specific Plant
Malcolm Sharp's winning image
Specific Plant
Malcolm Sharp
Favourite Garden Aspect
Malcolm Sharp
Favourite Garden Aspect
Jane Ward
Specific Plant
Jane Ward
Close-up of Flower
Jane Ward's winning image
Specific Plant
Janet Morrison
Specific Plant
Cathryn Frost
Specific Plant
Julie Leggett & Richard Grover
Specific Plant
Julie Leggett & Richard Grover
Specific Plant
John & Betty Bettison
Close-up of Flower
John & Betty Bettison
Specific Plant
John & Betty Bettison
Specific Plant
Ann Clements
Close-up of Flower
Ann Clements
Close-up of Flower
Ann Clements
Favourite Garden Aspect
Ann Clements
Close-up of Flower
Chris Saunders
Favourite Garden Aspect
Chris Saunders
Specific Plant
Chris Saunders
Favourite Garden Aspect
Nancy Slaney
Favourite Garden Aspect
Nancy Slaney
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